Week in the life - Tuesday

Today was not very busy, but the things that did happen were very meaningful. The universe was very good to me :)

Tuesday September 10



 I wake up at around 8, feeling like the only way to get through this day is horizontally. So stay in bed for another hour. Then I drag myself out of bed, make breakfast and crash on the couch. I write the WITL blogpost for Monday, with She's the Man on in the background. Whenever I feel like shit I always want to just sit and watch crappy (yet amusing) romantic comedies. I read some blogs, take a shower and then it's time to take the bus to my job interview at IKEA. I feel miraculously well after the shower, thank god. I'm a bit early for the meeting so I sit outside, breathing in fresh air and trying to visualize the meeting going well. It seems to work, because my interview is a very enjoyable one. I'm in and out in 15 minutes, but since it's only a contract for 12 hours we're talking about, that's not very strange. Afterwards I decide to treat myself to Swedish meatballs (I'm at IKEA, after all), and ice cream for dessert. I walk back to the bus stop, and 30 minutes later I'm back home. And I kind of fall apart. I crash on the couch, put on Notting Hill and try and regain some energy.
About 30 minutes after I'm home, I get a phone call from the team leader I had the interview with, and he tells me that I get the job. I start October 1st, and he promises me that if I'm willing to put my shoulders under it, I'd be able to work more hours soon. I'm so relieved. I have a job! A paying one! I call Imre to share the good news and I do a little happy dance in the living room. I'm starting to feel a bit better again.
Imre texts me that he's home late, so I get to finish watching Notting Hill. I put the lasagne in the oven, and after Imre gets home we eat and watch an episode of Band of Brothers. I read today's paper, Imre reads a book. At around 20.00 I put on my rain coat (it's pouring outside...) and cycle to the introduction evening at Footloose, the students dancing association. Imre got me an early birthday present: I get to go ballroom dancing, a childhood dream of mine. The evening is awesome, and I can't wait for classes to start next Wednesday!
It's still raining on my way home, and when I get in Imre is already asleep. I brush my teeth and get into bed, tired yet satisfied after today :)

4 opmerkingen :

  1. I am in awe by the many talents i've seen so far doing this project and you are no exception. I love the photos you take which makes me jealous of not trying to learn more about my DSLR :) I depend a lot on my iphone :(

    1. Wow, thank you! For me the trick with these pictures is a relatively high ISO and just try a lot of angles. I know that Elise from eliseblaha.typepad.com has a lot of tips on taking iPhone pics of your daily life!

  2. Great photos. Congratulations on your new job!


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