Shoot it: Zürich with Andrea

About 2 months ago I mentioned on Instagram that I got to go on my first international business trip to Zurich, Switzerland. 
I knew that my IG/blog friend Andrea lives somewhere in Switzerland, and I asked her if she lived close to Zurich. A little while later we agreed to try and meet up while I was there. 

Fast forward to last Tuesday. I was sitting on a plane, high in the sky over Europe, by myself, excited and slightly nervous. While I watched the sun rise, I wondered how the day was going to turn out. Yes, we could get along on the internet, but who knew if we would like each other in real life? Suffice it to say, there was no need to worry. Andrea is the sweetest, and most thoughtful girl ever. Fun thing about meeting someone you know from the internet? You already know quite a bit about each other, so you don't have to start with the basics. We started talking and laughing as soon as we saw each other, and we did not stop until we went our separate ways at the end of the day.

And besides all the great conversation, we had such a fun day! We started with coffee and a croissant at Starbucks, and then walked around the city for hours. I had a typical Swiss dish for lunch (pasta with a creamy sauce, potatoes and applesauce. It was delicious). We had cupcakes and tea. We made tons of pictures.* It was the best.

 That evening in my hotel room I wrote in my journal for a long time, took a bath and had a solo dance party to this spotify list. All in all it was a day that was very, very good for the soul.

P.S. If you are ever in Zürich, go get cupcakes at this little cupcake place. They were the absolute best I ever had.

* Feet picture up top, picture of the coffee and croissants and all pictures I'm in were made by Andrea. Credit where credit's due :)

2 opmerkingen :

  1. Thank you for that wonderful day! It was so so so exciting meeting you and I loved that we always had something to talk about :)

    Wow, your photos are amazing! I especially love that one on the bridge with all those locks and the one with the yellow plant. I love the effect when the background is blurry! Well done Stephanie.

    1. Thanks! That background blur is one of the reasons I wanted my new lens :)


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