Instagram, love of my life

You may know about my love for Instagram. In case you don't: it's a big love :)
I have met many great people through it, and am inspired on a daily basis by the awesome creations I see while scrolling through my feed. I love it as a memory keeping tool, too. Many times when I'm catching up on Project Life, I use my Instagram feed to check what happened that week.

On the day of my relaunch, I was tagged by Sandra from @miss_paperfection to fill in the Instagram tag. Loving IG as much as I do, I was enthusiastic right away. So here we go:

My most recent picture:
At the moment I'm writing this, my most recent picture on Istagram is one I took during my first ever 6k run. I love the views winter brings.

My first picture:
I took this picture in April 2012, in the lab during my final internship.It took quite a long time after my first few pictures before I really started getting the hang of Instagram.

My favorite picture that includes me:
It was a close call, but I went with a recent one. I took this pic a few weeks ago. I recently fell in love with black&white selfies :)

A picture that makes you homesick:
This is right outside Hilversum, the city where I grew up. I also lived there when I was in college, and at the time this path was a regular part of my running route. It holds a special place in my heart. So many things happened during that time, and I figured a lot of it out during my runs.

The best food I posted in 2014:
Whole30 Chicken Curry with broccoli. This was the first dinner that I actually really liked during our Whole30 last November. We still eat it often :)

most liked picture:
This was the picture with which I announced my blog relaunch last week. It received the most likes so far.

The best picture I took of an animal in 2014:
Turns out I don't really take that many pictures of animals... But I loved this one. I took it during a run last summer.

The best quote you shared in 2014:
Again... I apparently don't share many quotes. This one is close to my heart, though. I'm a big fan of Robin Williams, and since psychiatric disorders are frequent in my family, his death hit close to home.

My most used hashtag:
How could this not be a running hashtag? #steefranhere is the hashtag I use to easily find back my running pictures.

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