Projects to be finished...

... and projects to be started. 

The napkins are pinned (and have been for a week and a half) , they just need to be sewn. 
The mini book is mostly done, it just needs some finishing touches. 
The frame will be filled with a painting (that has yet to be painted) for dear friends of ours, as a housewarming gift. 
The cross-stitch project came in yesterday. It will be a gift for my best friends baby girl, who will be born in about four months. Which means that I have four months to finish it, and that is a good thing... it's quite the project. 

For some reason I always have some unfinished projects lying around. Sometimes they remain untouched for a few days, sometimes for a few weeks. I always finish them in the end,  it just takes me a while to get back to them. Imre gets really annoyed by my procrastination sometimes... I guess he'll get used to it eventually ;-)

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